ALTSO’s 16th Annual Hedge Fund Roctoberfest at the Hard Rock Cafe

ALTSO’s Hedge Fund Roctoberfest brings many, especially from the financial community, to provide funds that help with free, life-changing prosthetic limbs, orthotic braces, and appropriately fitted wheelchairs to children living in the developing world.

ALTSO’s 16th Annual Hedge Fund Rocktoberfest was held on Oct. 24, 2019 at the Hard Rock Cafe. Here we heard from 15 acts with many from the financial world. Steven Zelin, the Singing CPA, with his interesting folk songs, was the last act in the acoustic room.
We enjoyed a buffet dinner and five-hour open bar with donated spirits by Beam Suntory, Tito’s, Rémy Cointreau, wines by WolfPackWorldwide LLC, and beer by AB InBev.
ALTSO, a non-profit organization, was founded by C. Mead Wells of Octagon Asset Management in 2002 along with Dr. Dinesh Patel, Chief of Arthroscopic Surgery at Massachusetts General Hospital and Assistant Clinical Professor of Orthopedic Surgery at Harvard Medical School.

ALTSO provides free medical devices to children living with untreated limb disabilities in the developing world– at an average cost of only $250 per child.

ALTSO has provided medical devices to more than 18,000 children in 20 countries around the world whose families could otherwise never afford the treatment needed to access mobilities and the opportunities they offers. They are proud to stand by their patients providing continual treatment through the age of 21, meaning every “CoolKid Can Grow Up ALTSO.” This ensures each ALTSO patient has the opportunity to gain the education and vocational skills needed to become independent and self-sufficient.
The average ALTSO family earns approximately $3 a day, and lives approximately three miles from the nearest school. There is no access to transportation, so without the ability to walk or move independently, they simply can’t go to school. Without an education, they are unlikely to ever get a job, to sustain themselves, or to have a family. This is the reality for a child with an untreated limb disability in the developing world. For ALTSO’s CoolKids, mobility is more than movement. Mobility is access to education, future employment and the chance to life self-sufficiently. Mobility is hope, dignity and independence.
Johnson & Johnson has committed to donate up to $20,000 to ALTSO’s CoolKids to provide 80 Joshi Prosthetic Limbs to children in need through the Donate a Photo program (available for free download on iOS and Android). For every photo shared by a user, Johnson & Johnson donates $1 to the charity of the user’s choosing.
ALTSO Hedge Fund Rocktoberfes NYC celebrated their 16th anniversary this year alongside Chicago’s 8th and London’s 2nd anniversaries. When they started 16 years ago, a handful of musicians played a few sets at a local bar– now the financial industry rocks with more than 2,500 people in three major financial centers and two countries. More than 2,750 professionals from the alternative investment and related financial service industries united in these three cities for a night of rock & roll and acoustic music to benefit ALTSO’s mission and the more than 18,000 CoolKids treated to date.